Monday, 24 September 2012

Taking To The Hills....

I couldn't visit Italy without making plans with my gorgeous friend Michela.  

We usually meet in Venice and then our families share a meal at a restaurant, this year, because we drove and had the car available we were able to go further afield.
Michela's Parents suggested we take a trip to the Dolomites for an explore and a meal, this also had the bonus of getting out of the unbearable heat at the coast!

After meeting up along the way we stopped for a drink and a leg stretch just before we started climbing.


after a further drive, and I'm ashamed to say a bout of car sickness on the twisty roads!
 Sophie was treated to her first ride in a cable car, she enjoyed herself so much she is now obsessed with cable cars!!

A mere 1879 meters, to farmhouse for a regionally typical meal of Sausage, melted cheese and polenta!
Please pop over to Michela's post to see the amazing food we ate (Michela is much better at taking pictures than me!)
The views were breathtaking as you can see for yourself!



Such a beautiful town too, James and I decided that it would be lovely to spend a few days here!

We had a lovely time and would like to thank Michela and her family for sharing such a beautiful place with us!

Lots of Love xxxx

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Holiday Snaps!

I feel like there is so much to catch up on, rather than write post after post I thought I'd share some of my favourite snaps from our Italian holiday, I hope I don't bore you too much!!!

We were also lucky enough to take several amazing trips which I will post about separately.

I'm off to catch up on some of my missed reading, I hope I can read about what you all did over the summer!!

Lots of Love xxxx

Monday, 17 September 2012

Home Sweet Home.....

Welcome to our new home!

In the middle of May James sent me a link to a website about some new houses being built in our area.  
We decided it wouldn't hurt to have a look, just a look mind!
We moved here at the end of June (2 days after loosing Angel and 1 week before our holiday!) and despite the events surrounding the move felt at home immediately!

We still have boxes around but things are coming together slowly, we have had some work done to get water and increased electric out to our garage to enable us to use my American style washer and dryer and had the loft space boarded out.
The foundations now complete we are looking forward to creating our family home together, I hope you will join me in the journey!

Lots of Love xxxx

Monday, 10 September 2012

Too Beautiful For Earth...

The past 3 months have passed by in a second yet it seems like forever since I have visited my little blog. Much has happened in this time, both happy, sad, good and bad and it is the sad and bad that have dragged out my return. I like my blog to be a happy place full of pretties, family and fun and have been lucky that for the past 3 years my life has been blessed beyond my wildest dreams with a wonderful Husband and together the greatest gift of all, our beautiful Daughter.

It is because of this that I have thought long and hard about whether or not to write this post, and if I did write it should I press the 'post' button. Is your blog the right place to share your sadness, heartbreak or should I keep my private thoughts just that, private?

In the past I have received great comfort during hard times and love during the good and hope I have been able to offer the same to others, so with that in mind I'll continue.
On the 25th of May we discovered we were expecting out second little miracle, we were happy at the prospect of a brother or sister for Sophie and over the moon at the thought of being parents for a second time. Our happines was to be short lived when, at ten weeks we lost our angel. It's been as long again since that day but it has become clear that the tears are going to continue a little while longer and, while I'm sure the feelings of loss will become less painful, for now I am still mourning for our lost baby.

I hope you understand that I can't disregard our loss with a breezy shopping post, I can't pretend our baby never existed, I can't pretend the loss hasn't changed me but equally I know I need to move on and say my goodbyes. I suppose this is part of that process so I hope you forgive me a sad post as I find the way back to my happy place

Lots of Love