Thursday, 26 May 2011

Baking Nut (peanut that is!)

Yesterday I got a rare chance to do a spot of baking!
A work friend of my Mum's is getting married this Saturday and her colleagues wanted to give her a little party on her last day at work as a single girl!  They decided that they would all bring in something they had baked and have a little surprise tea party for her!  Apparently everyone made a valiant effort!  Even the one guy, Peter, who impressed everyone with his Cornflake Cakes and Mexican Wedding Cookies!
Mum asked me to make something if I had time so I took the opportunity to knock up a batch of Peanut Butter Crinkles (with an added kiss!)  These are super yummy and take about 20 minutes to make and bake so even I had time to make some!!!

I thought I'd share the recipe so you can try them for yourself!

(makes 20-25 cookies)

6 tbsp peanut butter
4oz butter
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
2oz caster sugar
2oz soft brown sugar
6oz plain flour
1 tsp baking powder

Preheat oven to 180 deg C/gas 4.
Place butter, peanut butter, sugars and vanilla in a bowl and cream together.  Add flour and baking powder and mix to form a firm dough.
Roll heaped teaspoon of dough into balls with floured hands.  Place on lined baking sheet and flatten slightly with a fork.  
Bake 14-15 mins to deep golden brown and allow to cool on sheet for 2-3 mins.  Press a chocolate kiss or giant chocolate button into center of hot cookies and transfer to cooling rack to cool properly.

 And there was even enough for a treat for James for looking after Sophie while I cooked!

He loved them (and he doesn't even like peanut butter!)
I didn't have any though, still being very good on Weight Watchers!!

Lots of Love

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Happy Birthday..........

David is 30!!

 My parner in crime! Work wouldn't be any fun without you (even if we do get in trouble for enjoying ourselves too much!)
And Sophie loves her Uncle D!

Have the best day ever!

Lots of Love

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Surf's Up!

I haven't ever made a secret of my MAC obsession, I must own thousands of pounds worth of this yummy make up brand! 
Here is a small selection of my collection used on my wedding day!

I feel about MAC as some people do about shoes and bags, My MAC has never let me down!  My clothes might not always look how I want them to but I can look however I want with the stroke of a brush!  


On a recent shopping trip with Sophie and Mum I decided to stop by the MAC concession in House Of Fraser 'just to see if they had anything new'.  I haven't bought any new MAC since I found out I was pregnant and, after spending lots of money on clothes for Sophie, decided I might treat myself!

And I did!  
Surf Baby lipstick in Hibiscus, Lipglass in Strange Potion, Suntints Lip Balm in Pink Tinge and Silksheen Bronzer Stick in Tan-Tint

Perfect for the summer!!!

Do you have a fave cosmetic or brand?

Lots of Love

Monday, 23 May 2011

Grubs Up!

I know I posted about Sophie's food already but, as I spent the best part of Sunday cooking, I thought I'd share the fruits of my labour with you!

I already have a good stash of vegetable purees and had been giving the odd jar but haven't been impressed they just don't smell like actual food!
So I chopped, steamed, poached, whisked and blended my way through a mountain of ingredients and ta daa!!

 Tomato sauce (courtesy of my Aunt)
Cheese sauce
Chicken with leeks, sweet potatoes and carrots
Braised beef and sweet potatoes
Beef casserole and fish in a cheese and vegetable sauce!!

Now I just have to get James to stop eating it!!!

Lots of Love

Thursday, 19 May 2011

A Little Taster.......

 Just as I am changing my own eating habits, Sophie is having a change as well!  My baby is ready for more than just milk.  I had been thinking about weaning for a while and as Sophie's bottles got bigger and bigger and she began to demand feeding more often I began to worry as I had no idea what I was supposed to do!

I was lucky enough to get some great information from Victoria Plum about baby led weaning but wasn't sure Sophie would make it to 6 months on milk alone!  The health visitors promote the 'no food till 6 months' policy so I have become part of an underground baby feeding gang of renegade mums!
Well nearly!  At 18 weeks Sophie had her first few spoonfuls of baby rice, she loved it so much I had to make her more!  After a few days I consulted Anabelle Karmel made her some baby purees to try some different tastes.

So far she likes everything except parsnip.  Her favourite food, though, Is anything Daddy is eating!  Yesterday I found them sitting on the floor sharing a banana!

I'll be spending the weekend cooking!

Lots of Love

Monday, 16 May 2011

Time To Make A Change....

Yes folks It's that time, the time that comes in all new Mums lives.  It's time I really have to think about shifting some of the extra weight I'm carrying around with me!
I'd love to call it baby weight but its not, Its me!  I lost the 2 and a half stones I put on with Sophie within the first 4 weeks but, more and more, meeting up with friends involved lunches out, cake (or both) and lots of lattes!

I have always struggled with my weight, dieting, starving, binging, loosing weight, putting it on I'm actually bored of it!  
I was following one such stupid diet (begins with an A) and had lived off cottage cheese and cucumber the week before we discovered I was pregnant!   I was so disappointed that my weight meant I was classed as a high risk pregnancy and felt so guilty when I developed gestational diabetes that I swore I would deal with my weight once and for all after our baby was born. (injecting yourself with insulin and stabbing your fingers 5 times a day is a horrible experience!)

So here I am, Sophie is nearly 20 weeks old, I am healed and she is more often than not sleeping through so I feel human again.  Well enough to fulfill my promise to myself (and my family!) with a little help from an old friend!

I was going to go it alone following the old point system but then decided it would be a good Idea to have a fresh start, new plan, new me, forget the past and just go for it! 
Thursday saw me join Weight Watchers Online so I'm 4 days in and getting my head round the new point values and exploring the site!
My friend, Mummy of twins and cake eating partner in crime Liz has started the plan today too!

I hope you don't mind if  I share my journey with updates now and again?

Dieting tips appreciated!!!!
Lots of Love

Friday, 13 May 2011

Have a lovely weekend......

From Sophie and her bear buddies!!!

Lots of Love

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Cath Kidston Is a Genius......

Ok I know I have already done a CK post this week but I love this!

A completely disposable picnic set!  Ok so Its not that eco friendly but its really pretty!
No more washing up, or dealing with the inevitable mess when you can't be bothered forget to wash your containers untill the next day!
At £15 it's not something I would use every day though... what do you think?
Lots of Love

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Virgin Fizz....

On a recent visit to Lakeside James and I had lunch at Las Iguanas.  The food was lovely but we were both loving the 'Virgin Fizz' non alcoholic cocktail! 
I am a bit of an amateur mixologist (and pre baby have been known to partake of a few of my creations!) so decided I must be able to recreate this yummy drink for us to enjoy during the royal wedding!

Pop some ice cubes, a slice of lime, lemonade and a squeeze of lemon in a tall glass and then drizzle in some 'Bottle Green' elderflower and pomegranate cordial.


I reckon it would be even better spiked with a shot of vodka!
Lots of Love

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Off To Visit the Queane....

We are taking our little Sophie to our special place for lunch tomorrow but as its a bit of a trek for us we are staying in a nearby hotel tonight!  Our first night away from home!  Wish us luck!!

Lots of Love

Monday, 9 May 2011

Sunday, 8 May 2011

With Friends Like These........

Much to my shame, during my maternity leave, I have taken to watching far more TV than usual. One of the atrocities I caught the other day was 'The Real Housewives Of Orange County'
I have now (much to my distress!) become intrigued with watching (from behind my fingers!) these awful, vain, backstabbing women.

I'm not sure why they call them 'real housewives' when they are soooo fake!

Rant over!

on a positive note it makes me grateful of my 'real' friends (and that my face moves when I speak!!!)

Lots of Love

Sunday, 1 May 2011

A Fairytale Come True......

I'm late in discussing THE wedding, I know, but can't let the occasion pass without comment!

James, Mum, Sophie and I spent Friday sitting around the TV in our pyjamas watching the fairytale romance of Prince William and the beautiful Katherine Middleton sealed with a perfect wedding!

I loved that, despite the fact that a certain amount of tradition and protocol that needs to be followed at royal occasions, the wedding seemed to truly reflect the young couple.  
I think it is safe to say that the Groom driving his Bride from Buckingham Palace to Clarence House in an open top Aston Martin will be talked about forevermore!
It was certainly fun watching all the guests arrive and criticising appraising their outfits!  
One of my favourites was Earl Spencer's Daughter, Kitty, who I thought looked amazing and really stood out in nude Phillip Treacy (her Sisters looked pretty good too!)

I have to give booby prize to Samantha Cameron!  Lovely dress but where, oh where, was her hat?

A couple of sparkly clips do not a royal wedding outfit make in my book!  That said some of the guests would have been better taking a leaf out of SC's book and left the hats at home!

After all the excitement we settled down to watch the highlights, munching on a special wedding lunch I whipped up (I made the sandwiches and that counts!)

And  enjoyed a glass of virgin fizz!

I can't wait to read all about where you were on the big day!!!

Lots of Love

Kelly xxxx